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To Be or Not to Be

As I was sitting in the library in Wausau on Wednesday, I was watching a family play in the kids play area. There was the mom, dad and 6 kids. The mom and the 5 daughters had long hair and dresses on. You could tell they were “different.” The mother, pregnant with their 7th child, was busily stacking books nearby . The dad sat there watching them all with a kind of discontented look on his face. Of course I couldn’t tell what was going through his mind, but by looking at the face of his wife, I got the impression that he was the family watch dog – the one that made sure everyone “toed the line.”

It got me thinking.

For the past 9 years I’ve felt that if I looked the part then I did my duty to show the world that Christians were set apart, you know, somehow by my outward appearance others should “see” my devotion to Christ. I felt it was expected of me, a pastor’s wife – expected by everyone around me. Even though I never held that conviction that God wanted me to be in a skirt all the time, I did feel that compulsion to be in a skirt in case someone in our ministry saw me. After all, I was supposed to be the example, right?

It is true we need to be set apart. When others see us, they need to see Christ. We might be the only Bible they read, so we need to make it a good read.  But does it stop at a skirt? Does it begin with a skirt?  I began to think about my own reasoning for wearing skirts in public. Why did I do this? What was my motivation? Well, partly, I did it because my pastor at the time, who was also my boss, expected it of me. That’s a good enough answer, I think. But really, it’s more than that. If I could step into a room and immediately show who I was, who I represented, then I was a step ahead of the game. But really, was I? Taking time to think about it, I realized that those of us who chose to step out and be different in our dress probably used it as a crutch.

Let me explain.

If I walk into a room and immediately everyone around can see I’m different, then perhaps I don’t have to try so hard to make an impression in any another way. It kind of lets me off the hook. I look the part, so I can stop there. Everyone in the room saw that woman was probably a member of a church. It was a given. So, her job was done even before she opened her mouth. But really, was it? If our job is done in one glance, then perhaps we don’t have to try so hard from that moment on.

On the other hand, if I walk into a room with average, every day clothing on, then I have to make a genuine, outward effort to make a difference in the world around me through my actions. That places a tremendous burden on me. Do I want to take on that burden? Or do I want to have the statement of my clothing to do it for me? What would God prefer? Would he prefer me to walk into a room and be done with my responsibility? Or would He want me to work at it all day long? Do I want to be the person who goes through my day assured everyone knows who I am just by looking at me, or do I want to be the person who goes through my day proving Christ by how I love others? I’m thinking I’d rather look like everyone else (well, the decent, modestly dressed ones, that is) and show them I’m just like them with something more … Someone more, who will change their lives as He has changed mine. If I look like everyone else, but prove I’m not through the love and caring that He has given me, then maybe I’ll be more approachable, easier to get to know and they’ll feel more comfortable around me – comfortable enough to start a dialogue and hear what makes me different – Who makes me different.

I have been in ministries where there is the facade of holiness. But underneath all that glittered and shined was an unforgiving heart, a judgmental attitude and a general sense of prideful arrogance. I would much rather fade into the woodwork in appearance so I’m out of the way – then I can point others to Christ because they can see Him through His love that pours through me.

If you see me out and about, I’ll not be the one who looks different. I’ll be the one who IS different.

“To be or not to be, that is the question.”

What is your answer?

My Life, My Love, My Joy

There is a sorrow endured that cannot be shared,
A heavy burden that I find alone I must bear.
From my day to day loving my Isaac did part,
A sawing asunder of my mind and my heart:

There’s no way to explain the pain I do feel,
It’s a sharp silent ache that only to me it is real,
No one can take, help carry, or rid of the cold,
The emptiness I feel without my Hudson to hold.

Others try to lessen the pain that does so totally grieve,
But it’s not an element that can be taken or freed;
How does another replace my daughter that’s truly my friend?
I’m afraid it’s a heart’s tear that only she can mend.

It was for His service that my son stepped out of my days,
and took his family so far from my love and embrace,
One solace that’s given by my God who’s so good,
He gave me a son who has done as he should.

Every day is empty of the sunshine I so need,
Each day is full of a begging, an overwhelming plead,
My Father, my God, allow me to go to where they have moved,
To see the grace of God to me so benevolently proved.

In the evening, when we’re sitting by the fire alone,
Where the weeping seems to be so useless and drone,
I contemplate my last huggling and kissing of my boys,
The sum of my life, my love and my joy.

I love and miss you Adam, April, Isaac and Hudson.

Written for the Jones family by Mom & Grammie 9.25.08

Different is Good

It’s stuff like this that makes my day just a little sweeter. Below is an email I received from Jillian tonight.

It is a good thing to be proud of your daughter.


I met a girl from Japan today that is in my keyboarding class. She was amazed that I didn’t treat her differently like other students did. She said it was like I didn’t see her skin or hear her accent. I laughed at her and told her that I was different too and that I knew what is was like to be different. Then I showed her a picture of the boys and me. She was ecstatic, and had to show all her Asian friends. So now I have an Asian family. 🙂

It’s About Him

I just spent about a half hour reading through a site that was set up as a parody to a supposedly independent Baptist church. It was pretty shocking that anyone could be so bitter, bitter enough to devote an entire website to such a thing. They had also set up a message board. When I started reading it, at first I thought it was just a church that was extreme in its beliefs. But then after reading more, I realized it had to be a spoof, a parody, on an actual church. Wikipedia had quite a long description of the fake church and gave the name of the actual church it was spoofing. Even though the actual church called itself Baptist, anyone could see they were not the Baptists that we all know. They were indeed extremists – perhaps you’ve heard of them? They’re the ones who were picketing funerals of US soldiers who died in battle in Iraq.

The thing I find sad is that these people, both sets of extremists, are giving so much energy to their “causes.” I find it sad that the so called “Baptist Church” that this site is spoofing is actually out there furthering their own agenda and inflicting pain on those they are supposed to be pointing to Jesus! I also find it sad that the parody on this church is focused on slamming this false church rather than working to get the truth out themselves. I do agree such churches are against all that we as Christians believe. How do you prove a stick is crooked? Lay it next to a straight stick and our eyes will tell us the truth. You can talk until you are blue in the face, outlining the many heretical beliefs of this church, but if we would just show the world our Jesus, then the they would see the truth and it would identify the false churches for us all, unsaved and Christians alike. The world isn’t fooled – they can identify a true Christian. Isn’t it strange that the world can identify who are true Christians, but the Christians themselves are not sure?

We are the only Bible many people will read. We need to make sure it’s a good read! We need to show people our Christ, the One who is the answer – not just how to dress or discipline or conduct ourselves, though these things can be God honoring. It’s about Him, not our rules, agendas or even preferences. It’s about Him. Performance based Christianity is sending many people to hell. The unsaved and even Christians look at the rules and standards and judge them to be superficial and a religion unto themselves. This is not what we’re to give to the world. Let’s just give them Christ! It’s about Him. He will build a person’s character, standards, and even preferences. Yes, it is good to teach proper Christian behavior. The Bible has many precepts and guidelines to tell us how to act, speak, and present ourselves. But our focus must be on Christ if we’re going to minister to a lost world. It’s about Him.

Please don’t think I’m telling you to throw out your standards, certainly not! If they are based on pleasing God and a desire to represent Him, then keep them! Make sure your lifestyle is one that is God-honoring and points to Christ. I’m the first to be discouraged when I see a fellow Christian adopt a worldly lifestyle or begin to love the things of the world. But let’s make sure what we do, who we represent, what we say and think, are OF GOD, BECAUSE OF GOD and OUR OFFERING TO GOD. It’s all about Him, not us. Our efforts must be in glorifying Him, not ourselves. To do anything else is purely self-glorifying.

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Have you ever been to the place in your life where you have been so blessed that words cannot adequately describe how good God is? Well, that’s where I am. So many blessings have come our way this past couple of years that I’ve come to the conclusion that I cannot find the right words. Even though we’ve have some hard times in the past, God has continued to give us the desires of our heart, well mine, anyway. Pictured here is the condo we’re enjoying in Tennessee. Every time we turn the key in the door, I’m blown away by how fortunate we are to be able to enjoy a week of luxury. Back when April was about two years old, we bought a timeshare week at Fairfield Glade in Tennessee. It’s been a long time since we’ve been here as a family, but I thought my kids might enjoy a pictorial reminder.

Kids, remember the jacuzzi that we’d fill with bubbles and have you all jump in and sculpt beards out of suds? Remember sitting around watching movies or going for walks out in the woods? Remember the church that we visited that was having a Sunday school contest? With our 17 people they had no trouble hitting their goal! Remember our “kids family picture” on the steps? Remember going to Hardees for a fish sandwich late at night? Remember taking turns eating dinner because there were only enough seats for 10? Remember sleeping in the closet, bedroom floor, bed, pull out couch and living room floor? What good times we’ve had.

Blast From the Past

Pastor Ron gave me a CD with some old pictures on it. This one is of Mollie, Jillian and Amy at Amy’s birthday party. This was taken 8 years ago when the girls were in fourth grade. All three of them graduated this past May. Where does the time go?

A Bad Day Gone Good

Saturday April and I went to Jamie’s house to attempt another garage sale. With her living in Battle Creek, we thought we could make a killing. My last garage sale I did very well, and was hoping to do the same this time. Well, it didn’t exactly go as planned. It rained all day, got all my stuff wet, and only brought me another $27.75. I was tempted to complain, but really, why? If I truly believe God is in charge, then it was up to me to find the good in all of it. So, I did.

1. Four families are going to get several bags of clothes. They hold great sentimental value, so now I may “give them to a good home.” They are worth way more than the 25¢ tag I had on them.

2. We had a nice time fellowshipping with Jamie’s family and watching the Jacob and Isaac play in the rain. Jamie even bought us pizza.

3. I got a great deal on two new bikes for Isaac – bikes I could never have afforded on my own.

4. For three days, while I dried out tons of clothes and bag them up, I’ve enjoyed watching the series “Alias” with my family and working on my blog and yearbook in between loads of laundry.

I can leave the financial stuff to God. He can supply our needs and he doesn’t need me to do it. I proved to Him I was “willing to work for food.” Now He will prove to me He is faithful – as He always does, time after time.

So, the day was not wasted. My efforts were not wasted. Besides, it’s about who we are not what we do. We’re just supposed to be faithful and then let God work out the details.

I picture the conversation in heaven going like this:

Angel: We’ve got another garage sale request. What do you want me to do? They’re asking for a clear, sunny day, but the Christian down the road asked for rain for his crops.

God: Give them rain.

Angel: Rain? With all due respect, I think they really need the money and if I send rain, they won’t sell a thing.

God: Give them rain. They’ll have a good day visiting with their friend, several families will benefit from the clothes that don’t sell, and the Isaac will have a lot of fun. Trust me, I know what I’m doing.

Angel: Of course. You know best. But, won’t this discourage them? They really need grocery money.

God: No, I know these folks, they trust me to take care of them. I’ll just supply their needs some other way. They pray and expect answer A, B or C and I usually give them D. They’re used to it. It’s kind of an inside joke between us.

Angel: OooooK, you know best.

God: Yes I do.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Even rain during your garage sale can be a blessing.

1000 Hits Today

I bet Ralph Waldo Emerson didn’t know he was describing blogging when he said, “A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud.”

“Thank You,” to my friends and family for considering my “thinking out loud” to be interesting enough to read. You put the float in my boat.

Moments of “Longing”

It was an unexpected joy to see a car load of my favorite people on the way to church today. They smiled and waved, bringing me a sudden burst of joy!

But just as quickly that joy faded and a painful dart hit my heart. These are my friends who I miss dearly that I used to see every day. We’ve shared so much but all of a sudden I can’t share in their life like I used to. That’s how life is sometimes. We love, we enjoy, we cherish, and then they’re gone out of our lives as quickly as they came in.

Where would we be without those who so impact our lives and change us? God has been good to place people in our lives that enlarge our hearts and give us such cherished memories.

I look forward to heaven where we’ll never have to say goodbye.  I miss you Jamie.


Letter to an Adopted Child

I found you when you had no family and gave you my name. I gave my family to you to be your family.
I gave you a safe and warm home, fed, clothed and educated you. You had the comfort of knowing you would be cared for and never had to know the displeasure of going without the things you needed to thrive. Through our training you gained the ability to be successful at whatever you choose.
I introduced you to the Savior. Now you can escape eternal punishment and enjoy the blessings of heaven. You can have a friend that sticks closer than a brother.  
I taught you right from wrong, to care for yourself, and how to seek God. Today you know how to live, make good choices and please God.
I taught you the value of family and how to care for others.  Though you choose to live for yourself, you have the keys to true happiness if you wish to use them.
I always put your needs ahead of mine and took the hard road by being consistent and faithful to you even when you only saw yourself. I disciplined and instructed even when it would have been easier to let you go your own way.
When forgiveness was needed, it was always given along with counsel, direction, instruction, or help when you needed it.
The one thing I cannot give you is love for your family. I will be content to wait until God teaches you to love. Some day you will look at us as more than a meal or a free place to stay.  Hopefully by the time you realize it … it won’t be too late.
                                                                                                        ~ Mom of Many

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