Adult Kids {Mom of}

Having a new, adult relationship with your kids is such a wonderful change.

No responsibility.

No conflict.

No pressure.

You can just enjoy them! You look forward to them coming for a visit, enjoy them when they are in your home and then they go home to their own home, their own lives, and their own plans.

If you do it right, you can have a great relationship – it is so amazing to have adult kids that you can spend time with, share things, talk things over with, dream with, laugh with, cry with, complain to, listen to, plan, party, and pursue…

You get the idea.

Parenting Tip for Adoptive Moms {Mom of Many)

Here are the 5 things you should say to your adult kids:

  1. I can’t wait till you guys come visit.
  2. You’re doing a great job!
  3. When are you bringing the kids over?
  4. No matter what, we will always love you.
  5. We are only a phone call away.

Parenting Tip for Adoptive Moms {Mom of Many)

Keep that door open. Make sure they know you want them – no matter what.

I always told my kids, “If you decide to walk down a different road than what we mapped out for you, we won’t go with you but we will be right here when you decide to come back, waiting.”

It is not our job to correct our kids once they are adults. It is our job to be available when they need us.

Adult to adult is our reward for raising them.

That doesn’t mean we follow them into the darkness if they choose to walk there. It does mean we stay in the light so they can find it when they come looking.

Val @ Mom of Many

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