Where did the days go? To where did they fly?
It was yesterday I held you, my grace from the sky.
A gift from my Lord, the One whom I serve;
He saw my great need, a life to preserve.

Days were so hard, this task to complete,
God called us to work, this great untold feat.
The tools He selected: His Word and His grace,
He was the Word and you were the Grace.

Knowing I’d need help, in His kind gentle way,
He gave you to me, so my life He could save.
Days were long and hard, because of this thing we did do,
But it was so sweet and good, all because of you.

You sweet loving face, and your tender little heart,
Brought me to the Light, right from the start.
I’d be empty and sad, wondering however and why,
One look on your face, I’d turn to the sky.

To my Savior I’d look, with a full contrite heart,
From my treasure He sent, I would never depart.
Your life has been, such a blessing to me;
You’re my angel of peace, always grateful I’ll be.

You grew up and away, sadly by my side you’re no more,
Know your life has had meaning, since the day you were born.
May this year of 18, give to you as was me,
A glimpse of His face, and a courage to be.

I miss you Jillian and wish we could be together today.

Written from Mom to Jillian for her 18th birthday on 9.27.08