A few months ago we had a church Urge to Purge FREE garage sale.

We all brought in stuff we didn’t want and everyone took home what they wanted from others’ donations – leftovers were donated to a local charity. It felt so good to get rid of stuff – and share with our church friends at the same time.

It was such a success that this month I’m challenging you to purge! Spring is around the corner and it’s a great time to get rid of STUFF. You know, that STUFF that we don’t need but is hard to get rid of?

  • Some have a hard time parting with stuff.
  • Some have a hard time finding the time to purge.
  • Some have no trouble getting rid of stuff – even to the point of getting purge crazy!

Which are you? I fit in the two first categories and I have some kids who fit into the last.

Here is a free PDF for you to help get you started:

March Urge to Purge Challenge {Mom of Many}

Just click on the checklist above and I’ll send a full size PDF to you via email – then print it and get started!

Those in our M.O.M.s Facebook Group are in a contest to see who can get the most boxes checked off by the end of March for a prize. To join us just click here and you can join our email list and get an invite to our SECRET/CLOSED FB GROUP where we support one another, get tips and ideas and swap stories and share prayer requests. Or, just click on the Urge to Purge checklist above and you’ll get an invite that way too.

We are here to help, so feel free to contact me (at the top) if you have any questions.

Now let’s purge!

Val @ Mom of ManyMomofMany.net