A Support Community for Moms



Years ago I started Mom of Many as a ministry journal.

Today I use it to support and help others so no one else will ever feel alone or isolated like I did during the years we raised our kids.

Too many years my DH (dear husband) and I sought help for various ministry and parenting issues and came up empty.

I want to use our experience to bring others to the light. Do you need some light in your life? Are you frustrated, feeling guilty or at a loss? Do you wonder if you will ever get out alive?

Do you go to sleep every night knowing you have done your best?

I do.
I want to help you to be able to do that too.

Let’s figure it out together.

~Val Frania, a Mom of Many


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  1. Hi Val! My name is Cameron and I was wondering if you would be willing to answer a quick question I have about your blog! My email is cvonstjames@gmail.com 🙂

  2. Amen!!!! I am too the proud son of a God-fearing, God-honoring mother…..and I wouldn’t trade her for anyone or anything….God has been too good to me. I love her and my Dad also. They have both demonstrated Christ and will be honored by me here on earth and in heaven…..you see honoring your parents does not stop when you move out or when you die….it goes through eternity. You may not agree but the BIBLE SAYS to honor your parents….and if you don’t then you are in violation of God’s law…..yes even in eternity do we have to honor GOD (OUR ULTIMATE PARENT), but our earthly ones as well….. mom and dad gave up a lot let’s honor God and them……LOVE YA MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. gary Simmons

    I liked your site. Looks like you put a lot of work into it. Then with that many kids I assume you know a lot about work.

    Be blessed

  4. Connie Mayfield

    What a blessing! I have really enjoyed getting more aquainted with your family through your website and links. May the Lord bless all of your family’s ministries as you serve Him. I’m sure I’ll visit again.

  5. Tiffany Wehner

    God has recently provided me the blessing of putting Devin in my life. Because of the Godly heritage that has been passed to her, she is passing that heritage on to two wonderful girls! I know they will benefit greatly from having her in their lives and learning from her. She has much to give them. Thank you Mrs. Frania for being such a committed Christian mom.

  6. Devin Sarvay

    What a committed mother I have. What a blessing and privilege it is to be the daughter of a mother who sets her priorities in place and abides by them. There is no greater blessing in life than having a godly heritage to pass down to the next generations.

    • Jesse Frania

      Amen!!!! I am too the proud son of a God-fearing, God-honoring mother…..and I wouldn’t trade her for anyone or anything….God has been too good to me. I love her and my Dad also. They have both demonstrated Christ and will be honored by me here on earth and in heaven…..you see honoring your parents does not stop when you move out or when you die….it goes through eternity. You may not agree but the BIBLE SAYS to honor your parents….and if you don’t then you are in violation of God’s law…..yes even in eternity do we have to honor GOD (OUR ULTIMATE PARENT), but our earthly ones as well….. mom and dad gave up a lot let’s honor God and them……LOVE YA MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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